The power of connection through our spirits and our hearts!

Anne Marie Foley Healing With Me!

I sit and write this with a heart bursting with gratitude.

Last week I hosted a beach meditation and it took me hours to fall asleep afterwards because I was basking in the beautiful energy felt and witnessed.

When I bring people together it is always my intention to have a deep meaning full  practice experienced and felt. No false pretenses and desiring that everyone present will feel a genuineness which will allow them to relax and experience what is needed for them in the name of healing.

The experience touched my heart in so many places……….. when strangers come together and let their guard down and share some divinity enters into the soul and being by the water last night in the most beautiful way penetrated this divine energy and light…….. The temperature was about perfect with a gentle breeze blowing and whispering so softly .

Anne Marie Foley Healing With Me!

Anne Marie Foley Healing With Me!

Three of the people present who had never met before shared a common denominator ….. they were breast cancer survivors, each different ages but now bonded as they shared their stories. The energy present when everyone shared especially afterwards was something that made me absolutely feel the presence of God.

I felt humbled and honored listening to them. The admiration for the strength for each and everyone’s spirit is something I don’t think I have words for.

It was a gift to have some beautiful men present supporting their wives on their spiritual journeys and having a desire with in themselves to explore more of their own spirituality.

At the end of the day you won’t get very far in this life with out honesty, so getting honest with your own self is the best possible thing  you can do in order to truly evolve in this human experience.

Anne Marie Foley Healing With Me!

Anne Marie Foley Healing With Me!

Connection is why we are here, so go let those walls down, it’s a beautiful place when you do!

Thank you to everyone, last week was sheer magic!

Much Love!

Anne Marie