The rebirth of self!

Anne Marie Foley - Public Speaker and Author - Healing with Me! Intuitive Life Coach - Reiki - Beauty Consultant

Healing with Me - Anne Marie Foley - Reiki Master TeacherIn this beautiful thing called life there will be times and moments that won’t be so beautiful, but the magic and the beauty actually lies in those moments, for there is a layer pealed back each time in order for the real and beautiful you to become who you really are.

In this time of coaching and doing my healing work the consistent pattern seems to be profound as it is the wounds that are caused by the conditioning of this life that can make us who we are or who are are not supposed to be.

In order for me to have success I started to realize the more I showed up in life being who I really am was the key to helping others as I have used my own journey in its raw sense to allow others to be able to do the same.

Born and raised in Limerick, Ireland, I come from an incredible family and lineage of healers, my childhood was a loving and nurturing one. I had some typical family struggles no different from anyone else, I am from a family of five with two parents quite frankly who are incredible human beings.

I was very aware from the time I was a child of consciousness, some say I might of been ahead of my time as I didn’t always like what I was told, I questioned everything causing points of frustration to others. I didn’t love school for I felt it was place of mass control teaching people to and live in mechanical form and this seemed to rub up against my free spirit but I went along with it any way because that is what I was told to do.

I always could read people and read energy, if someone was lying to me I knew, If something bad was going to happen I would know that too, if bad energy entered the room I would feel sick but some how I learned to push that all the way down in my soul because others around weren’t vibrating on the same level I was, so I continued along the path of doing what I was supposed to do. My first real awakening was surviving meningitis when I was 21, my near death and outer body experience awakened something in me that felt more in tune with who I knew I really was. I didn’t fear death anymore and I knew I definitely had a purpose. I went on got married and was married for 14 years together for 17 and had two beautiful children now 19 and 15 who truly have been my biggest teachers and my greatest gifts.

It was my divorce that totally rocked my world, my life as I knew it and had created was ripped right from underneath me with the deepest of hurt and betrayal but in that there lay a gift also, as it was my initiation into the process of surrender and rebirth to my true self. The rebirth is a process, it takes a tremendous amount of healing and getting honest, it takes courage that only comes from a divine source, it takes faith in trusting the universe truly has your back. When you start to live the process and it is only with time as the journey unfolds and the lessons show up and are learned will you become more confident with the trust process of how it all really works. The more you let go of what you were holding on to will bring you what you really deserve and what is truly supposed to be yours.

Healing with Me - Anne Marie Foley - Reiki Master TeacherThere will come a day you will look back and understand why it all had to be that way and that I like to call “reflection of your life!”. There will be the most beautiful light at the end of what you perceive to be your darkest day. I believe in the power of prayer, I believe in faith and life’s destiny, I believe when we are truly aligned with the divine it will allow us to be our most authentic self. While I have studied and practiced over the years my most profound teachings have happened out of my own life experiences, so I am grateful for it all!

Don’t ever be afraid of who you are really supposed to be and be born again!


Much love and light,

Anne Marie